To Render The Hot Adhesive System Safe

Hot Adhesive Systems Contain Molten Glue Under Pressure. Failure to release this pressure can cause severe burns or death. To render the Hot Adhesive system SAFE all air pressure must be removed from the pump by air isolation and the Adhesive drain valve released. After the air supply has been isolated .The drain valve releases this pressure

Operation of the drain valve MUST be checked daily.

The Correct operation to render a Hot Adhesive System safe:


  1. WEAR safety gloves
  2. WEAR safety eye wear
  3. REDUCE pump air pressure to “0 PSI “
  4. OPEN drain valve over a suitable container. Unscrew in a counter clockwise direction.
  5. INCREASE the pump air pressure until a clean and steady flow of hot material flows from the drain valve.
  6. REMOVE pump air pressure and lock out air supply.
  7. LEAVE drain valve OPEN. The system is now at “0 “hydraulic pressure.
  8. The Hot Adhesive System is now at ‘0’ Hydraulic pressure. All necessary precautions must be taken when working on hot parts.
  9. After service work is completed, CLOSE drain valve in a clockwise direction.
  10. Slowly INCREASE air pressure and CHECK for leaks.


Replacement Drain valve Assembly

Part Number to suit both the Nordson and the Pro Built are as follows:

  • Drain Valve Assembly Part No: 276024
  • Seals Back up ring Part No: 105527


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